Few people are interested in exploring their own health insurance coverage, so reviewing coverage on any insurance policy is not likely anyone’s idea of a good time. However, it might be reassuring to learn that pet health insurance is not like human health insurance at all; it’s actually property and casualty insurance, typically purchased directly from the insurance company or acceptable distributors, often through an internet portal without dealing directly with any insurance agent. That’s right. For the most part, insurance agents are absent from most pet health insurance policy discussions, so no pressure on that front.
Pet owners decide what they want to have covered and select an appropriate policy, and the insurance company agrees to reimburse pet owners according to the terms set forth in the policy, charging a “premium” that has been authorized by the government authority to represent the “risk” they are accepting. In the most common scenario, the pet owner pays the veterinarian for services provided, and submits the bill to the insurance company for reimbursement, less any deductibles or co-pays specified in the policy. The reimbursement is often then received by the pet owner within a few weeks.
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